factasia.org is an independent, not-for-profit, consumer-oriented organization advocating for the rights of adults who choose to use nicotine.
factasia.org urges rational debate based on scientific evidence, Tobacco Harm Reduction (THR), smoking cessation objectives and the rights of adult consumers.
factasia.org advocates for proportionate and sensible regulation of all nicotine products, including new nicotine delivery products such as e-cigarettes, nicotine pouches, heat not burn and snus throughout the Asia-Pacific region.
factasia.org does not promote smoking or the use of nicotine in any form, opposes all under-age use of cigarettes or any other product containing nicotine, and does not engage in any manufacturing, marketing, distribution or retailing activities.
factasia‘s role is to act as a messenger, facilitating constructive dialogue between scientists and medical experts, legislators, regulators and the general public.
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Tobacco Harm Reduction: Pakistan's solution to their smoking crisis
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Renowned cardiologist Konstantinos Farsalinos finds dual users with longer smoking histories reduced their cigarette intake significantly after taking on vaping....
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“Despite all the hurdles, safer nicotine products are here to stay.” - Harry Shapiro
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factasia.org is an independent, not-for-profit, consumer-oriented advocate for rational debate about – and sensible regulation of – the rights of adult citizens throughout the Asia-Pacific region to choose to use tobacco or other nicotine products.
3 days ago
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Countries urged to rethink regulation on harm reduction for better health outcomes
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“To be honest, I’m not sure the government did much to encourage this,” he said. “It has basically been the result of Swedish smokers acknowledging the dangers of smoking—allied to an available, accessible, affordable and acceptable product in the form of snus.”
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Despite Everything, More People Than Ever Choose Safer Nicotine Options
“People talk about a war on smoking, a war on nicotine or a war on vapes,” Harry Shapiro told Filter. ...